Hope That Helped Podcast
We are two friends (and coworkers) that swap stories about life, family and work. We want to give out tips/tricks and life hacks that help us in our lives, with our families. We hope that helped make you laugh....We hope that helped make your life a little bit easier.......We hope that helped you think a little bit deeper......We hope that you come back to join us for more fun conversations.
Hope That Helped Podcast
ep. 181 - Time changes for many reasons....
Connect with the Hope That Helped Podcast-
Email us - hopethathelpedpodcast@gmail.com
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Thank you for listening to this episode of the Hope That Helped Podcast!
Here are the links to some of the things we talked about :)
Savannah Banana Triple Trick Play - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/yellowtuxjesse_this-is-banana-ball-at-its-finest-trick-activity-7300162171521421312-qT2b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&rcm=ACoAABKEefIBInT7Ok44oWmjhPvDozbpnwW-H-A
Tommy's Tik Tok Tip of The Week -
Rodell Duff - Good Days - https://www.tiktok.com/@rodellduff/video/7475049975836265774
Dano's Sampler Pack of Seasoning - https://www.tiktok.com/@danosseasoning/video/7473188462355746094
Conor Price - Cubicle - https://www.tiktok.com/@connorprice__/video/7461304191605247278?lang=en
Tiffany TIGISMMO -
Vest - https://amzn.to/4h1T3ZG